Temiar Names
Many people are now using Temiar names for their children. Beautiful sounds that convey wonderful imagery.

Temiar names appear complicated to some people because they might change depending on the situation. A man might have a birth-order name such as 'Along' (first born), which might change in later life to for example 'Litau', indicating that his first born child was a son. Temiars for different reasons may not call people by their 'given' name, but use a pet name or something that might highlight a certain characteristic of a person, such as 'happy'. Names also might have different meanings depending upon which district one lives. Below is a selection of Temiar names. This is a list that we will continually add to.
Birth Order Names - Male
- 1 Along
- 2 Alang
- 3 Ngah
- 4 Pandah
- 5 Itam
- 6 Anjang
- 7 Udah
- 8 Busu
Birth Order Names - Female
- 1 Andah
- 2 Teh
- 3 Uda
- 4 Ngah
- 5 Anjang
- 6 Alig
- 7 Itam
Other Temiar Names
- Abilum
- Abon
- Abong
- Achoc
- Abus
- Adoi
- Aludj
- Andak
- Arek
- Ayeh
- Baleh
- Halimah
- Litau
- Manan
- Maron
- Piik
- Tabong
- Tengah
- Tiu
- Yenang